{ "record": { "accessRights": "free", "classification": [ "jel-C63", "jel-G12" ], "contributor": [ "Rodríguez Longarela, Iñaki" ], "date": [ "18 Oct. 2000" ], "description": [ "Smoke outlets should be both of the following.\r\na. Sited at high level in either the ceiling or wall of the space they serve.\r\nb. Evenly distributed around the perimeter, to discharge to the open air." ], "econbiz_created": "2010-09-15T18:36:02Z", "edition": [ "[Elektronische Ressource], Rev. October 18, 2000" ], "extent": [ "Online-Ressource (PDF-Datei: 5 S., 121,44 KB)", "graph. Darst." ], "id": "835", "identifier_local": "333188616", "identifier_number": [ "hdl:10419/56344 [Handle]" ], "identifier_url": [ "http://econpapers.repec.org/RePEc:hhs:hastef:0401", "http://swopec.hhs.se/hastef/papers/hastef0401.pdf", "http://hdl.handle.net/10419/56344" ], "institution": [ "Ekonomiska forskningsinstitutet " ], "language": [ "eng" ], "note": [ "nBibliography", "Gesamttitel von der Homepage", "Systemvoraussetzungen: Acrobat reader" ], "series": [ "SSE/EFI working paper series in economics and finance ; 401" ], "source": "econis", "source_title": "ECONIS (ZBW)", "source_url": "https://www.econbiz.de/ppn/333188616", "subject": [ "approved_document_b1_section_16", "building_regulations_2010_b5", "Building_standards", "keywords_all" ], "title": "ADB1 Para:16.5 Natural smoke outlets", "title_responsible": "I. R. Longarela", "type": "book", "type_genre": [ "Arbeitspapier", "Working Paper" ] }, "status": 200 }